Sunday, April 10, 2011

I am so miserable. Why must you do this to me? We were so close just a few weeks before, and now we are acting like we have just known each other for 3 days. Fine, I am jealous that people around me are having a good time with the people they love. But I m not even asking or forcing you to do things with me which couple do. What I ask from you is purely from the stand of a FRIEND. Is that too much?

Can you please stop doing this? Acting as if we are the best of male-female friends and then ignoring me. I don't know what you are thinking, and I really wish I do. The only sensible reason I can come up with is that the bothe of us are taking turns to have mood swings. But I should be the only one having PMS. You can't have that, can you?

Please, it hurts, so stop. If you really think you will never ever feel something for me in this lifetime, could you just tell me straight in the face so that I can cry the whole house down and try to get over you as soon as I can? If, in 1 out of a million chances that it may be possible between us, could you do something? I beg you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Something has changed, but I don't know what. Is it me? Why are we not talking as much, not as crazy before? All I know is, he sucked lots of your emotions out of you. You are almost like a puppet, your every emotion, your mood is all controlled by him. This shouldn't be when you like a person!

I am not sure how I was like before, maybe the same as you now, I don't know. But this is wrong. This is damn wrong. I don't know what to do now, given you don't tell me stuff anymore and I can't extend a helping hand even if I want to.

Please don't do this to me. Don't get so close to me and treat me like your soul mate and then just chuck me aside when you decided that you have enough of me. I can't take anymore of this shit. Before I die from heartbreak caused by dearest bread, I think I will die of grief from the loss of you first.

Please, can we go back to what we were?